Water Damage in Peterborough
EDSS were contacted by Peterborough Volunteer fire station to assist with a leaking pipe. The Fire Service were initially contacted due to an elderly lady in distress, who had fallen through her wooden floor which was void underneath with a four-foot depth. On inspection it was discovered that the property had water seeping down the walls, which had been ongoing for several months. This had started from a leaking water pipe from a damaged radiator.
EDSS visited the property to assess how they could support the owner. A detailed inspection was taken out, the property was in a very poor condition and it was evident that the elderly owner did not have any support in place. There was a vast amount of waste throughout the property and unusable toilets, which had been blocked for some time. EDSS representative, Mike Ratcliffe, undertook the emergency repairs, which included cutting the water pipe and making safe, removing the damaged radiator and purchasing sheets of flooring to fit over the damaged kitchen floor. He also assisted with cleaning the property from as much of the waste as possible and unblocking all toilets.
Mike spoke with the elderly owner at great length to ascertain information to provide to social services. He contacted them and an assessment was arranged within 24 hours, as a result a full inhouse support package was put in place.
Fire Damage in Derbyshire
After a kitchen fire broke out at a residential property in Derbyshire, fire control contacted EDSS to assist with emergency boarding of the rear windows and door.
Upon arrival, it was evident that the fire damage was more extensive than initially believed and could take at least six months to repair. Mike Ratcliffe, EDSS representative, felt the elderly homeowner would require further support. It was established that no information had been provided to the fire service about the hospital that the homeowner had been taken to and she did not have a mobile phone.
EDSS arranged for contactors to carry out emergency boarding and after locating the hospital, Mike visited the owner to pick up her house keys, to find out if she had family close by and if she needed help with contacting her insurance company. EDSS arranged for the owner to stay with a friend and assisted her with gathering her belongings and escorting her to her friend’s property. As the owner felt unsettled, she contacted Mike the following day and he arranged to collect her from the property and booked her into a hotel until the insurance company were able to arrange temporary accommodation. Over six months later, she was able to move back into her home.
Property Damage in Leicester
Leicester Fire Service contacted EDSS to assist with emergency repairs and family support following a car incident. The driver of the vehicle was over the drink-drive and speeding limit. The vehicle hit the front of a residential property, embedding into the wall, causing damage to a bay window and a large section of the wall.
EDSS visited the property where the police, fire service and a structural engineer were also in attendance. The fire service instructed EDSS to assist with emergency boarding and support to the owners after the structural engineer had given the fire service approval to move the car and board out the damage.
It transpired that there was more structural damage than initially thought, which lead to the owners of the property making an insurance claim. EDSS liaised with the insurance company and as they were unable to send a surveyor out immediately, they authorised for EDSS to carry out emergency repairs and make safe. EDSS then arranged to have the car removed, prepared an independent structural engineer report, removed the damaged radiator, cleaned up debris and arranged emergency accommodation for the owners until their loss adjuster was able to visit the site and fully repair all the damages.
Fire Damage in Derbyshire
EDSS were contacted by Derbyshire Fire Control following an extensive roof fire caused by hair curling tongs that had been left on whilst the owners had gone out for the evening.
The entire roof was alight and there was a large amount of water damage to all rooms throughout the property. This was a substantial four-bedroom property with many high-priced contents and furniture items.
EDSS arrived at the property at 1am on New Years Eve and spoke at great length with the distressed owners. EDSS, along with the on-site commanders and firefighters, spent over 10 hours at the property retrieving a large number of personal items, furniture and photographs, etc. EDSS contacted the insurance company, the insurance claim took one year to process.
Water Damage in Cambridge
A homeowner in Cambridge experienced significant water damage, which started from her upstairs bathroom, causing damage to a large section of the ceiling, walls and flooring.
Following an initial discussion with the insurance company, a contractor visited to assess the damage. However, the following day, the water continued to seep through the ceiling and walls and the owner called the Cambridge Fire Service. The Fire Service contacted EDSS to assist and support.
Mike Ratcliffe, EDSS representative, met with both the owner and the Fire Service on site. Upon arrival it was clear that the ceiling had suffered so much damage that it was deemed unsafe and could possibly collapse. Mike arranged to have the owner moved from the house and removed all furniture and personal items beneath the damaged ceiling to a dry area. Mike contacted her insurance company for the second time, however due to several delays, EDSS undertook the emergency repairs until the insurance company could arrange for a contractor to visit the property. This involved removing the damaged ceiling, the damaged water pipe and making safe. All saturated carpets and underlays were removed and furniture and personal belongings were moved to a safe area. This was then handed over to the insurance company to handle all repairs.
Fire Damage in Cambridge
Cambridge Fire Service contacted EDSS to attend a site visit at a residential property owned by an elderly couple in Cambridge, following a fire. There was extensive smoke damage throughout the entire property, plus additional damage to a large section of the conservatory.
When EDSS arrived at the property, the couple were accompanied by their three sons. It was explained that the house insurance had not been renewed so the damages would be handled directly. The couple’s sons owned a building company and were able to manage the repairs. Along with EDSS, they devised a plan to ensure that everything could be taken care of.
EDSS worked on cleaning and deodorising the entire property and contents and after completion the sons’ building company repaired the damage to the conservatory, redecorated the entire property and replaced all carpets. Together, they were able to complete all repairs and ensure the couple were able to move back into their home within just three weeks.